21 November, 2018 in Industry News

Marketing to Millennials

Born between 1980 and 2000, Millennials are now a key target market for businesses. So how do you market your products and services to this tech-savvy generation?

Millennials were the last generation to have witnessed the pre-digital era and they were also the first generation to fully experience the internet age. We have all read articles about how Millennials are difficult to manage, move jobs frequently and aren’t very compatible with traditional business or employment models.Millennials have now reached an age where they have money to spend. They are also moving into more senior roles in businesses and are making purchasing decisions. As such, businesses need to create new marketing strategies which target this generation effectively.

A topical discussion at the moment is around Millennials as a target market for businesses and how to market product and services successfully to this generation.  It is suggested that Millennials tend to be drawn to brands which appear to be aligned to a cause and therefore marketing messages should show the importance of what your business do and provide reasons as to why Millennials should become part of that cause by becoming a customer.

Messaging should focus on why your business does what it does as it's not about the what, it’s about why you do it.

Millennials are also interested in new and innovative ideas, particularly those that drive convenience. For example, Uber, Airbnb and Amazon all provide services which utilise innovative technology in order to deliver a more convenient service. Millennials also like to communicate and is suggested they don’t like being marketed to by faceless corporations. Instead they want to interact with your business through technology such as live chat on Facebook or posts on Instagram.

Would you agree? What has been your experience?


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